New Roof Increased Value

A new roof brings up to 40% more value to a property. Shocked? You shouldn`t be… A new roof is an expensive investment that brings superior protection as well as enhanced exterior aspect installed by a qualified Dallas roofing company in your community. The more your home is expensive, the more you will gain from installing a new roof, especially if you plan to sell it soon.

There are some variables involved in the way that a new roof increases the property`s value.

First, it is the condition of the old roof. When you make a dramatic upgrade, adding not just a new roof but a new roof made from better materials, this will translate into higher home value than in the case of a moderate upgrade. On the same note, adding more style to your roof will add more architectural interest in the eyes of potential buyers, thus more value.

New roofs are made from better materials and have adequate insulations, which make them more efficient, durable and energy-efficient. Old asphalt shingles used to come with a warranty of about 15 years, while some of the new shingles are made from metal, stone-coated metal and other very resistant materials, boasting a significantly longer warranty (even up to 50 years). A new roof on your house also means lower energy bills, which is an attractive perspective for any buyer.

Originally Posted over here: Can A New Roof Increase a Property’s Value?